Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sistering or Mothering

I watch Joey a lot. He is home alone with me at least 3 days a week for at least 8 hours each day. This is a conservative estimate since my mom often works five days a week, and 11 hour shifts. In addition to that, I watch him without being his sole caretaker, just an additional one almost constantly. I've been told that I'm more of a mother to him than a sister, and this makes my dad angry. This gets me thinking. What is the difference between being a mother and being a sister in spirit? I mean, biologically having a child makes you a mom, and so does legally having a child. But is it caring 5 days a week mothering rather than sistering.

I often feel (usually when cooking) like I'm a stay at home mom to Joey. I feel very mmmm being in charge of caring for Joey so often. I have fun making our let's plays and playing in the water outside. I put him to bed (well, I did during the school year. I think it's mean to tell children they are required to go to bed at any time unless they have to be up early the next day but that's a post in itself) And it feels so great to snuggle with him in the morning before we start the day. My litte boy is perfect.

So, I guess it doesn't much matter mothering or sistering. I'm caring for a child who I love very very much, and whatever you call it, I love it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think there is a difference really, care taking is care taking, the labels are unnecessary. The only difference I can see is a bad one, you don't get to pick how your folks treat him, even if you would be right and they aren't.
