Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Consequences of Sex

Everyone hears all the bullshit in health class about self esteem, blah blah blah, if you have sex, you will get pregnant and die. But I don't think anyone's ever really considered what my sex drive did on friday as a consequence.
I went with halley to the movies, and long story short, we leave within ten minutes, but that's its own post, and after that, we sat outside at a dairy queen nearby, talking and having fun in general, and then making out. Well, once xe'd made out with me, all I wanted was sex, and I wanted it so bad, I would have it on the levvy, so I begged xyr to please come over and do something on the other side.

There was a problem, though. The way the hill curves, combined with the angle of the light behind it made the other side of the levvy look eerily dark, and we weren't sure how it did it. But halley's tendency to be curious and investigate scientifically lead to the discovery that it was all mathmatic, and the best thing was, once we got over there, even if someone was on top of the hill, looking down, they would have no way of seeing us or what we were doing. So, we went a little down the hill, and from that angle, we could see clearly how nothing was eerie. For a few minutes.

Then, in the middle of something, xe looked up and thought there might've been a human figure by this building that helps keep the town from flooding on the other end of the hill. We shook it off, but then heard voices, but no one was around. My mind was falling prey to the terrified and idea that this was fucking dangerous and maybe there was something supernatural going on, because that's how it happens in the movies. Yeah, not one of my prouder moments as an atheist. But, anyway, we ceased what we were doing and looked around to attempt to locate the voices, and I was sure I'd heard a child's voice. While looking around, with knowledge of the surrounding area, we saw a shadowwy, essentially blockish figure near the building that didn't belong. We kept our eyes on it for a while and I wanted to run for the light, but halley said that we should stay where we are, so if there was anything around, it couldn't see us.

Then, the blockish figure lit up and two people drove away on it, it having been a four wheeler. I was flooded with relief first, but then the strange voices returned and we also saw a weird shadow in the other direction. We decided we needed to crawl in the direction of the building and loop around it, because that way we'd never be walking towards the top of a hill, exactly. So, we crawled through soaking wet grass and mud, and swarms of mosquitos, geting cut and bitten, and halley's wrist got broken (which xe set and fixed and is better now.)

And those, kids; sheer terror, mosquito bites, grass stains, and mud, are the negative consequences of your sex drive.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, it is absolutely hilarious! Also, if you're not wearing pants, you get a thousand cuts whilst doing this.
