Friday, August 5, 2011

About Sexualized Breasts

I am against the sexualization of breasts. They are not sex organs. They are there to feed babies, and they should be used that way. No one should ever make a woman cover up her breasts because they are sexual. But I love the feelings associated with mine, and I like them to be stimulated during sex. And I want to make it abundantly clear that "not innately sexual" and "morally wrong to utilize for sex" are two entirely different things. So everyone knows, you should feel free to use any part of your body during sex if it feels good. This includes your breasts.

So, what I mean by wanting breasts to be desexualized is that I want us to treat them like lips, or hands, or necks. The sight of them should not call to mind sex. Just like lips, they can be used in a sexual way, and you can always feel free to love the sensation, but also like lips, they should be able to be shown to the public without someone freaking out because you're showing your sexual organs to the world. That's one of the goals I feel is very important. I think this way because as long as breasts are presented as sexual organs, it's going to be hard for mothers to feel comfortable feeding their children in public. And the more breastfed children, the better. If we reverse the sexualization of breasts, we can also prevent people from bottlefeeding based on the idea that it'd be like pedophilia.

I guess that's all I mean. Every time you use your breasts in a sexual context, you are NOT promoting the sexualization of breasts. Every time you ask a breastfeeding mother to cover up, you are. Every time you look at a woman's breasts and feel some sexual feeling, you are NOT promoting the sexualization of breasts. Every time you say it's wrong for a woman to go topless in public, you are. Any questions? If so, ask me!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, goddess, but we should be able to show all parts of bodies in public including sexual ones, and almost all body parts aren't innately sexual, almost all have another purpose, like the vagina for birthing, penis for mictrition. Great post!
